Russian Censorship in WWI, Part 1 - Auction #41

Dez 13, 09:00 AM PST
CST / Beijing Dez 14, 01:00 AM
CEST / Berlin Dez 13, 06:00 PM
CDT / Chicago Dez 13, 11:00 AM
MSK / Moscow Dez 13, 08:00 PM
MDT / Denver Dez 13, 10:00 AM
EDT / New York Dez 13, 12:00 PM
Dec 13, 09:00 AM PST
18d 5h
344 123

Picture postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) used as field post card dated 8. I. 15, to Petrograd, Russia; with Petrograd receipt cancel. LEMBERG (LWOW) Military cachet: Russian red “negative” 3 line circle (33 mm)
Picture postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) used as field post card dated 8. I. 15, to Petrograd, Russia; with Petrograd receipt cancel. LEMBERG (LWOW) Military cachet: Russian red “negative” 3 line circle (33 mm)
$12 3 123
123 2074
Picture Post Card of Kolomea, Galicia, used as F.P.C., postmarked 13.X.16 at Russian rear PTO No. 240 (located at Kolomea), to Berezno, Ukraine, Russia; with Berezno receipt cancellation dated 20.X.16. KOLOMEA Military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle
Picture Post Card of Kolomea, Galicia, used as F.P.C., postmarked 13.X.16 at Russian rear PTO No. 240 (located at Kolomea), to Berezno, Ukraine, Russia; with Berezno receipt cancellation dated 20.X.16. KOLOMEA Military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle
$10 1 123
123 2075
Picture post card of Brody, Galacia, used as field post card, postmarked 1.IV.15 at Lwow (Lemberg), Galacia, with  Kiev machine transit cancellation, to Petrograd, Russia. BRODY Red cross cachet: Russian red circle (34 mm) reading
Picture post card of Brody, Galacia, used as field post card, postmarked 1.IV.15 at Lwow (Lemberg), Galacia, with Kiev machine transit cancellation, to Petrograd, Russia. BRODY Red cross cachet: Russian red circle (34 mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2076
Picture Postcard of Lwow (Lemberg) used as F.P.C., Post-marked 22.III.15 at Russian Reserve FPO No. 155, Operating in the Lwow - Przemysl Region of Galicia, to Ribinsk, Jaroslau, Russia; LWOW (LEMBERG) With Ribinsk receipt cancel dated 30.III.15
Picture Postcard of Lwow (Lemberg) used as F.P.C., Post-marked 22.III.15 at Russian Reserve FPO No. 155, Operating in the Lwow - Przemysl Region of Galicia, to Ribinsk, Jaroslau, Russia; LWOW (LEMBERG) With Ribinsk receipt cancel dated 30.III.15
$10 1 123
123 2077
Russ. postcard printed at Kazan, used as P.O.W. postcard, from Simbirsk, Russia dated 2.VI.15, with Moscow Transit Cancel, to Lwow(Lemberg) - Leopol(Galicia), under Occupation by Russian Forces; Russian Military Receipt Cancel Reading. SIMBIRSK
Russ. postcard printed at Kazan, used as P.O.W. postcard, from Simbirsk, Russia dated 2.VI.15, with Moscow Transit Cancel, to Lwow(Lemberg) - Leopol(Galicia), under Occupation by Russian Forces; Russian Military Receipt Cancel Reading. SIMBIRSK
123 2078
Picture Post Card of Czernowitz, used us Field Post Card, post-marked 31.VII.17 at Russian Field Post Office No. 114 (attached to the Russian 31st Infantry Corps Operating in Galacia and in Bukowina), to Zvenchskich, Kursk. CZERNOWITZ
Picture Post Card of Czernowitz, used us Field Post Card, post-marked 31.VII.17 at Russian Field Post Office No. 114 (attached to the Russian 31st Infantry Corps Operating in Galacia and in Bukowina), to Zvenchskich, Kursk. CZERNOWITZ
$10 1 123
123 2079
Picture Post Card of Przemysl, Galicia, used as FPC, dated 21.IV.15 at Przemysl (on Obverse), to Moscow, Russia. PRZEMYSL Military cachets: Russian violet straightline (62mm), Russian violet 2 line circle (29mm) with Imperial crest, reading
Picture Post Card of Przemysl, Galicia, used as FPC, dated 21.IV.15 at Przemysl (on Obverse), to Moscow, Russia. PRZEMYSL Military cachets: Russian violet straightline (62mm), Russian violet 2 line circle (29mm) with Imperial crest, reading
$10 1 123
123 2080
Picture Postcard of Zloczow, Galicia, used as FPC, postmarked 13.XI.14 at Russian Reserve F.P.O. No.126, Operating in the Lwow, Galicia Region, to Kiev, Ukraine; with Receipt Cancellations. ZLOCZOW Military cachet: Russian blue 2 line circle(36mm) reading
Picture Postcard of Zloczow, Galicia, used as FPC, postmarked 13.XI.14 at Russian Reserve F.P.O. No.126, Operating in the Lwow, Galicia Region, to Kiev, Ukraine; with Receipt Cancellations. ZLOCZOW Military cachet: Russian blue 2 line circle(36mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2081
Picture Postcard of Stanislau, Galacia, used as Field Post Card dated 12.III.15, to Petrograd, Russia. STANISLAU Military Cachet: Russian violet 3 Line Circle (38mm) reading
Picture Postcard of Stanislau, Galacia, used as Field Post Card dated 12.III.15, to Petrograd, Russia. STANISLAU Military Cachet: Russian violet 3 Line Circle (38mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2082
Coloured Picture Postcard of Lutsk, Wolynia, used as F.P.C. postmarked 1.XII.14 at Russian Front Line Field Post and Telegraph Office No. 206, Operating in the Skole, Galicia Region, to Verkhovashsk Landing, Volochinsk, Russia. LUTSK
Coloured Picture Postcard of Lutsk, Wolynia, used as F.P.C. postmarked 1.XII.14 at Russian Front Line Field Post and Telegraph Office No. 206, Operating in the Skole, Galicia Region, to Verkhovashsk Landing, Volochinsk, Russia. LUTSK
$10 1 123
123 2083
Photo Postcard of Russian Soldiers used as Field Post Card, from the Occupied Region Of Galicia, to Kiev, Ukraine, Russia; with Kiev Arrival Cancellation dated 10.VII.15. GALICIA Red Cross Cachet: Russian Red Circle (40 mm) reading
Photo Postcard of Russian Soldiers used as Field Post Card, from the Occupied Region Of Galicia, to Kiev, Ukraine, Russia; with Kiev Arrival Cancellation dated 10.VII.15. GALICIA Red Cross Cachet: Russian Red Circle (40 mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2084
Picture Postcard of Lwow (Galicia) used as F.P.C., dated 22.IX.14 at Korjeniza, 17 km from Jaroslau (Galicia), to Yuryev, Estonia; with Receipt Cancellation. KORJENIZA Military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle (36mm) with eagle, crest in centre
Picture Postcard of Lwow (Galicia) used as F.P.C., dated 22.IX.14 at Korjeniza, 17 km from Jaroslau (Galicia), to Yuryev, Estonia; with Receipt Cancellation. KORJENIZA Military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle (36mm) with eagle, crest in centre
$10 1 123
123 2085
Austrian multilingual Field Post Card dated 12.IV.15 at Lemberg (Galicia), to Vienna, Austria; Military Cachet: Russian Violet 2 Line Circle (29 mm) Reading. LEMBERG Military Censorship: Russian Violet Oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
Austrian multilingual Field Post Card dated 12.IV.15 at Lemberg (Galicia), to Vienna, Austria; Military Cachet: Russian Violet 2 Line Circle (29 mm) Reading. LEMBERG Military Censorship: Russian Violet Oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
123 2086
Picture Postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) approved by military Censorship, postmarked 26.II.15 at Russian Military Rear Post and Telegraph Sub-Office No. 206 (Oper. at Skole, Galicia), to Zinperch, Kaluga, Russia. LEMBERG (LWOW)
Picture Postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) approved by military Censorship, postmarked 26.II.15 at Russian Military Rear Post and Telegraph Sub-Office No. 206 (Oper. at Skole, Galicia), to Zinperch, Kaluga, Russia. LEMBERG (LWOW)
$10 1 123
123 2087
Picture Postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) approved by Military Censorship, postmarked 19.XII.14 at Russian Military Reserve FPO No.126 (Operating at Lwow, Galicia), to Ponevesh. LEMBERG (LWOW)  Russia military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle(34mm)
Picture Postcard of Lemberg (Lwow) approved by Military Censorship, postmarked 19.XII.14 at Russian Military Reserve FPO No.126 (Operating at Lwow, Galicia), to Ponevesh. LEMBERG (LWOW) Russia military cachet: Russian violet 3 line circle(34mm)
$10 1 123
123 2088
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.), postmarked Nikolsk-Ussuriyski to Tienstin, China, with Receipt Cancellation. POGRANICHNAYA   Censorship: violet rectangle (32x226 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.), postmarked Nikolsk-Ussuriyski to Tienstin, China, with Receipt Cancellation. POGRANICHNAYA Censorship: violet rectangle (32x226 mm) reading in 3 lines
$10 1 123
123 2089
1916 Cover Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked by Machine Cancel at Plzen, Hungary To Tomsk, Siberia, Russia. TOMSK Censorship: green 2 line circle (26 mm) reading
1916 Cover Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked by Machine Cancel at Plzen, Hungary To Tomsk, Siberia, Russia. TOMSK Censorship: green 2 line circle (26 mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2090
1917 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Tomsk to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK  Censorship: violet 2 line circle (25 mm) reading
1917 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Tomsk to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (25 mm) reading
123 2091
1916 Commercial Usage of 19th Century Russian Postcard (4 Kop.) postmarked at Tashkent, at both the Railway Station and at the Post Office, to Copenhagen, Denmark. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (56 x 20 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Usage of 19th Century Russian Postcard (4 Kop.) postmarked at Tashkent, at both the Railway Station and at the Post Office, to Copenhagen, Denmark. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (56 x 20 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2092
1916 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Tobolsk , to Vienna,  Austria. TOBOLSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (35 mm) reading
1916 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Tobolsk , to Vienna, Austria. TOBOLSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (35 mm) reading
123 2093
1917 Commercial Use of the Return Portion of a Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, franked with 2 Kop. Postage; postmarked Tobolsk, to Trautenau, Bohemia, Austria. TOBOLSK
1917 Commercial Use of the Return Portion of a Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, franked with 2 Kop. Postage; postmarked Tobolsk, to Trautenau, Bohemia, Austria. TOBOLSK
123 2094
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, Post-Marked Tobolsk, To Vienna, Austria. TOBOLSK Censorship: green 3 line circle (35mm) reading
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, Post-Marked Tobolsk, To Vienna, Austria. TOBOLSK Censorship: green 3 line circle (35mm) reading
123 2095
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard Printed for Use at Tobolsk, Russia, Postmarked Tobolsk to Budapest, Hungary. TOBOLSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (35 mm) reading, Outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard Printed for Use at Tobolsk, Russia, Postmarked Tobolsk to Budapest, Hungary. TOBOLSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (35 mm) reading, Outside to centre
123 2096
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Tomsk to Praze, Bohemia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 4 line broken-frame rectangle (29 x 30 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Tomsk to Praze, Bohemia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 4 line broken-frame rectangle (29 x 30 mm) reading
123 2097
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French),  P.O.W. Postcard from Mariyinsk, Tomsk to Budapest, Hungary. TOMSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French), P.O.W. Postcard from Mariyinsk, Tomsk to Budapest, Hungary. TOMSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2098
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Kolcugina, Tomsk to Bohutin, Bohemia, Austria.  KOLCUGINA   Censorship: violet 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Kolcugina, Tomsk to Bohutin, Bohemia, Austria. KOLCUGINA Censorship: violet 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
$10 1 123
123 2099
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Witkowitz, Moravia, Austria.  TOMSK   Censorship: red 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Witkowitz, Moravia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2100
1917 Picture Postcard (of Tomsk) used as P.O.W. Card from Tomsk, Siberia to Hinterbruhl, Austria; with Receipt Cancel. TOMSK  Censorship: red 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Picture Postcard (of Tomsk) used as P.O.W. Card from Tomsk, Siberia to Hinterbruhl, Austria; with Receipt Cancel. TOMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2101
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2102
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Kolcugina, Tomsk to Bohutin, Bohemia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Kolcugina, Tomsk to Bohutin, Bohemia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2103
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Lemberg (Lwow), Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tomsk to Lemberg (Lwow), Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (29 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2104
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Posdrinko, Tomsk to Wisznowie, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Posdrinko, Tomsk to Wisznowie, Galicia, Austria. TOMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2105
1918 Bilingual (Russian,French) P.O.W. Postcard Printed in Turkestan, from Perovsk, Turkestan with Tashkent Transit Cancel to Vienna, Austria. PEROVSK Censorship: 1 violet rectangle (41x17 mm) reading in 4 lines
1918 Bilingual (Russian,French) P.O.W. Postcard Printed in Turkestan, from Perovsk, Turkestan with Tashkent Transit Cancel to Vienna, Austria. PEROVSK Censorship: 1 violet rectangle (41x17 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2106
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French), Red Cross P. 0. W. Reply Postcard from Ura—Tiube Turkestan, to Lancut, Galicia, Austria. URA-TIUBE Censorship: violet rectangle (41x17 mm) reading in 4 lines
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French), Red Cross P. 0. W. Reply Postcard from Ura—Tiube Turkestan, to Lancut, Galicia, Austria. URA-TIUBE Censorship: violet rectangle (41x17 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2107
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, Post-marked Tashkent, to Temesvar, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, Post-marked Tashkent, to Temesvar, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
123 2108
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, Post-marked Tashkent, to Pelmonoslor, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, Post-marked Tashkent, to Pelmonoslor, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
123 2109
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover postmarked Tashkent, to Budapest, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover postmarked Tashkent, to Budapest, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (46 x 25 mm) reading
123 2110
1916 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Tashkent, to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49 x 28 mm) reading
1916 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Tashkent, to Zolkiev, Galicia, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49 x 28 mm) reading
123 2111
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Turkestan, used as P.O.W. Card, from Katta, Kurgan to Vienna, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: blue 2 line oval (44 x 25 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Turkestan, used as P.O.W. Card, from Katta, Kurgan to Vienna, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: blue 2 line oval (44 x 25 mm) reading
123 2112
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked at Tashkent, to Budapest,Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: blue 2 line circle (48 x 27 mm) reading
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked at Tashkent, to Budapest,Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: blue 2 line circle (48 x 27 mm) reading
123 2113
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan for Use at Khodzhent, Central Asia P. O.W. Camp, from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation to Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49x28mm) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan for Use at Khodzhent, Central Asia P. O.W. Camp, from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation to Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49x28mm) reading
123 2114
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Khodzhent with Tashkent Transit Cancellation to Olmutz, Moravia, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49 x 28 mm) reading
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Khodzhent with Tashkent Transit Cancellation to Olmutz, Moravia, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49 x 28 mm) reading
123 2115
1916 Bilingual (German, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard Printed in Germany, for Use at Torgau a.d. Elbe, Germany; postmarked Tashkent, to a Captain of the Royal Irish Fusiliers at the Torgau P.O.W. Camp. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49x28mm) reading
1916 Bilingual (German, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard Printed in Germany, for Use at Torgau a.d. Elbe, Germany; postmarked Tashkent, to a Captain of the Royal Irish Fusiliers at the Torgau P.O.W. Camp. TASHKENT Censorship: violet 2 line oval (49x28mm) reading
123 2116
1917 Front Portion of Trilingual (Slovak, Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard printed in Hungary, postmarked at Sebranice, Cechy, with Tashkent Transit Cancel to Cherkassy, Kiev, Ukraine. SEBRANICE Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) reading
1917 Front Portion of Trilingual (Slovak, Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard printed in Hungary, postmarked at Sebranice, Cechy, with Tashkent Transit Cancel to Cherkassy, Kiev, Ukraine. SEBRANICE Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) reading
123 2117
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan for Use at Khodzhent, Central Asia P.O.W. Camp, from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation, to Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan for Use at Khodzhent, Central Asia P.O.W. Camp, from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation, to Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) reading
123 2118
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation, To Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: Violet 2 line oval (49x28 mm) reading
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Khodzhent, with Tashkent Transit Cancellation, To Vienna, Austria. KHODZHENT Censorship: Violet 2 line oval (49x28 mm) reading
123 2119
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, from Aulie-Ata, with Turkestan Transit Cancel, to Vacz, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) Reading, showing the missing
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Turkestan, from Aulie-Ata, with Turkestan Transit Cancel, to Vacz, Hungary. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49 x 27 mm) Reading, showing the missing "k" in "Turkestan" variety, reading
123 2120
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked at Tashkent, to Przemysl, Galicia, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49x27mm) reading, showing the missing
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, postmarked at Tashkent, to Przemysl, Galicia, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49x27mm) reading, showing the missing "k" in "Turkestan" variety
123 2121
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Kokand, with Tashkent Transit Cancel, to Budapest. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49x27mm) reading, showing the missing
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, from Kokand, with Tashkent Transit Cancel, to Budapest. TASHKENT Censorship: violet oval (49x27mm) reading, showing the missing "k" in "Turkestan" variety
123 2122
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, From Skobelev with Tashkent Transit Cancel, to Bodenbach, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship:violet oval (49x27mm) reading.
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard, From Skobelev with Tashkent Transit Cancel, to Bodenbach, Austria. TASHKENT Censorship:violet oval (49x27mm) reading.
123 2123
1915 Russian Postcard Printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card from Tochim, Tobolsk, with Tiumen Transit Cancellation, to Witkowitz, Moravia, Austria. TIUMEN Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Russian Postcard Printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card from Tochim, Tobolsk, with Tiumen Transit Cancellation, to Witkowitz, Moravia, Austria. TIUMEN Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
$10 1 123
123 2124
1914 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, Siberia to Szcrurowa, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Violet 3 line circle (33mm) reading, outside to centre
1914 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, Siberia to Szcrurowa, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Violet 3 line circle (33mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2125
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card, from Artinsky, Tobolsk to Harland, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red-violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card, from Artinsky, Tobolsk to Harland, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red-violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2126
1916 Trilingual (Russian & French on Front, German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Kamen, Tomsk to Jagdschutz, Germany.  OMSK Censorship: Violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Trilingual (Russian & French on Front, German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Kamen, Tomsk to Jagdschutz, Germany. OMSK Censorship: Violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2127
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tiumen to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red-violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Tiumen to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red-violet 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2128
1916 P.O.W. Picture Postcard Postmarked Biisk, Tomsk, to Wielopole Skrzynskie, Galacia, Austria. BIISK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 P.O.W. Picture Postcard Postmarked Biisk, Tomsk, to Wielopole Skrzynskie, Galacia, Austria. BIISK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
$10 1 123
123 2129
1917 Multilingual (French, German, Russian, Polish) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard printed in Krakow, Galacia, postmarked Barnaul to Chronow, Galacia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Multilingual (French, German, Russian, Polish) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard printed in Krakow, Galacia, postmarked Barnaul to Chronow, Galacia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2130
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Barnaul to Rozdalonitz, Bohemia, Austria.  BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Barnaul to Rozdalonitz, Bohemia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2131
1917 Response Portion of Bilingual (Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard postmarked in Barnaul, Tomsk to Chronohw, Galacia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Response Portion of Bilingual (Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard postmarked in Barnaul, Tomsk to Chronohw, Galacia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2132
1916 Response Portion of Bilingual (Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard postmarked in Barnaul, Tomsk to Fieldpost #764 in Bohemia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Response Portion of Bilingual (Russian, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard postmarked in Barnaul, Tomsk to Fieldpost #764 in Bohemia, Austria. BARNAUL Censorship: Red 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2133
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Borisovky,  Akmolinsk to Chrzanow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Borisovky, Akmolinsk to Chrzanow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2134
1916 Reply Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked Lopatinsky, Tobolsk to Kouty nad Domazlic, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: brown-red 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Reply Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked Lopatinsky, Tobolsk to Kouty nad Domazlic, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: brown-red 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2135
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard  from Omsk, to Nymburce, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, to Nymburce, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2136
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Ihrerusier, Moravia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Ihrerusier, Moravia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2137
1915 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Barnaul, Tomsk, Siberia, from Barnaul to Prague, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Barnaul, Tomsk, Siberia, from Barnaul to Prague, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2138
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Polish & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Biisk, Tomsk to Zabawa, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Polish & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Biisk, Tomsk to Zabawa, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2139
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Barnaul, Tomsk, Siberia from Barnaul, to Weinberg, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Barnaul, Tomsk, Siberia from Barnaul, to Weinberg, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2140
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2141
1918 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Novo-Nikolaevsk, Siberia to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1918 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Novo-Nikolaevsk, Siberia to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2142
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Omsk to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Omsk to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2143
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Borisovskoe, Akmolinsk to Jaworzno, Dabrova, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Borisovskoe, Akmolinsk to Jaworzno, Dabrova, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2144
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover postmarked at Omsk Siberia to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. OMSK Censorship: red 4 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover postmarked at Omsk Siberia to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. OMSK Censorship: red 4 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2145
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Omsk, from Tara, Tobolsk to Nowy Sacz, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: black 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Omsk, from Tara, Tobolsk to Nowy Sacz, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: black 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2146
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross Reply Postcard from Omsk, to Szczejwinow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross Reply Postcard from Omsk, to Szczejwinow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (30 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2147
1915 Handmade P.O.W. Postcard from Petropavolovsk, Akmolinsk, to Policka, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Handmade P.O.W. Postcard from Petropavolovsk, Akmolinsk, to Policka, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2148
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Slovak and Polish on Reverse) P.0.W. Postcard from Omsk Tokrakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Slovak and Polish on Reverse) P.0.W. Postcard from Omsk Tokrakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2149
1914 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Omsk, to Smichow, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 2 line marking (47mm/47mm, in script), violet 2 line circle (30 mm) reading
1914 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Omsk, to Smichow, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 2 line marking (47mm/47mm, in script), violet 2 line circle (30 mm) reading
123 2150
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Polish & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, with Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk Transit Cancel, to Debica, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle, outside to centre
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Polish & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, with Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk Transit Cancel, to Debica, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 3 line circle, outside to centre
123 2151
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card from Omsk, with Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk, Transit Cancel to Hruschau, Silesia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red oval (31x16 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card from Omsk, with Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk, Transit Cancel to Hruschau, Silesia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red oval (31x16 mm) reading
123 2152
1914 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card, from Barnaul, with Omsk Transit Cancel to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Blue 2 line marking (52mm/18mm), Blue straightline marking (13mm) reading
1914 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card, from Barnaul, with Omsk Transit Cancel to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Blue 2 line marking (52mm/18mm), Blue straightline marking (13mm) reading
123 2153
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Kalmakove, Siberia, to Trzynietz, Silesia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line marking (34/35 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Kalmakove, Siberia, to Trzynietz, Silesia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: red 2 line marking (34/35 mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2154
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Novo-Nikolaevsk, Tomsk To Rzeszow, Galacia, Austria.  NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (37mm), reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Novo-Nikolaevsk, Tomsk To Rzeszow, Galacia, Austria. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (37mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2155
1916 Trilingual (Russian on Front, German & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk , Tomsk to Salzburg, Austria. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27mm), reading, outside to centre
1916 Trilingual (Russian on Front, German & Slovak on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk , Tomsk to Salzburg, Austria. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: red 2 line circle (27mm), reading, outside to centre
$10 1 123
123 2156
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Use at the City of Novo-Nikolaevsk, Tomsk, Siberia, postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk to Vienna, Austria. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: viol;et rectangle (45x19mm), reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Use at the City of Novo-Nikolaevsk, Tomsk, Siberia, postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk to Vienna, Austria. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: viol;et rectangle (45x19mm), reading in 3 lines
123 2157
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk (Siberia), to Vienna, Austria; Redirected to new Address in City. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (31mm), reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Novo-Nikolaevsk (Siberia), to Vienna, Austria; Redirected to new Address in City. NOVO-NIKOLAEVSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (31mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2158
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Tyukalinsk to Oderberg, Austria. KURGAN Censorship: red 3 line circle (25 mm), reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Tyukalinsk to Oderberg, Austria. KURGAN Censorship: red 3 line circle (25 mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2159
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Tyukalinsk to Oderberg, Austria. KURGAN Censorship: red 3 line circle (25 mm), reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Tyukalinsk to Oderberg, Austria. KURGAN Censorship: red 3 line circle (25 mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2160
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia (with Enclosure); postmarked Krasnoyarsk, to Budapest, Hungary. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (33 mm), reading
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia (with Enclosure); postmarked Krasnoyarsk, to Budapest, Hungary. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (33 mm), reading
123 2161
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia; postmarked at Krasnoyarsk, to Vienna, Austria.  KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (32 mm), reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia; postmarked at Krasnoyarsk, to Vienna, Austria. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (32 mm), reading
123 2162
1919 Very late Usage of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Use at the Krasnoyarsk P.O.W. Camp, from Krasnoyarsk to Vienna, Austria. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: Censorship: violet/black-violet rectangle (33x25mm), reading
1919 Very late Usage of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Use at the Krasnoyarsk P.O.W. Camp, from Krasnoyarsk to Vienna, Austria. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: Censorship: violet/black-violet rectangle (33x25mm), reading
123 2163
1919 Very Late Usage of Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Krasnoyarsk, to Budapest, Hungary. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet/black-violet rectangle (33x25mm), reading
1919 Very Late Usage of Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Krasnoyarsk, to Budapest, Hungary. KRASNOYARSK Censorship: violet/black-violet rectangle (33x25mm), reading
123 2164
1917 Commercial Cover postmarked Astrakhan, to the Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 17 mm), reading in 3 lines
1917 Commercial Cover postmarked Astrakhan, to the Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 17 mm), reading in 3 lines
123 2165
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Omsk, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (35mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Omsk, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (35mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2166
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Barnaul, to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (35mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Barnaul, to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (35mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2167
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Marianovka, Akmolinsk to Crzanow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Marianovka, Akmolinsk to Crzanow, Galacia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2168
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Barnaul, to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Barnaul, to Budapest, Hungary. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2169
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked Lopatinsky, Tobolsk to Kouty nad Domazlic, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked Lopatinsky, Tobolsk to Kouty nad Domazlic, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2170
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, to Nymburce, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Omsk, to Nymburce, Cechy, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2171
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Vienna, Austria.  OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Vienna, Austria. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2172
1917 Russian P.O.W. Postcard printed in Tara, Tobolsk for Use to Austria, from Tara, Tobolsk, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Russian P.O.W. Postcard printed in Tara, Tobolsk for Use to Austria, from Tara, Tobolsk, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2173
1915 P.O.W. Cover postmarked Kolivan, Tomsk to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 P.O.W. Cover postmarked Kolivan, Tomsk to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. OMSK Censorship: Red 3 line circle (33 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2174
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Vienna, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Semipalatinsk to Vienna, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet 4 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2175
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Omsk, Siberia to Prague, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard from Omsk, Siberia to Prague, Bohemia, Austria. OMSK Censorship: violet-red 2 line circle (34 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2176
1916 P.O.W. Letter postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 P.O.W. Letter postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2177
1916 Russian Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Salzburg, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Russian Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Salzburg, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2178
1917 Russian Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Petropavlovsk, to Kruman, Bohemia, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet/violet-black 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1917 Russian Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card from Petropavlovsk, to Kruman, Bohemia, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet/violet-black 3 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2179
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk Province, Siberia, Russia, postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Hora Kutna, Cechy, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet/violet-black 3 line circle (32 mm) reading
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk Province, Siberia, Russia, postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Hora Kutna, Cechy, Austria. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet/violet-black 3 line circle (32 mm) reading
123 2180
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Berlin, Germany. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (29 x 24 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Petropavlovsk, Akmolinsk to Berlin, Germany. PETROPAVLOVSK Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (29 x 24 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2181
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Ustkamenogorsk to Weinberg, Bohemia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Ustkamenogorsk to Weinberg, Bohemia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2182
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Ustkamenogorsk to Smichow, Bohemia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Picture Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Ustkamenogorsk to Smichow, Bohemia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet 3 line circle (31 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2183
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card from Ustkamenogorsk to Stryj, Galacia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: blue 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Omsk, used as P.O.W. Card from Ustkamenogorsk to Stryj, Galacia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: blue 3 line circle (26 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2184
1915 Unilingual Russian P.O.W. Postcard from Ustkamenogorsk to Lemberg (Lwow)  Galacia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet & blue 2 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Unilingual Russian P.O.W. Postcard from Ustkamenogorsk to Lemberg (Lwow) Galacia, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet & blue 2 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2185
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Saisan to Makatrasy, Cechy, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet & blue 2 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Saisan to Makatrasy, Cechy, Austria. SEMIPALATINSK Censorship: violet & blue 2 line circle (32 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2186
1916 Commercial Cover with 10 Kop. Postage, postmarked at Vladivostok, with Petrograd Transit Cancel, to Copenhagen, Denmark. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (32 x 11 mm) reading in 2 lines
1916 Commercial Cover with 10 Kop. Postage, postmarked at Vladivostok, with Petrograd Transit Cancel, to Copenhagen, Denmark. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (32 x 11 mm) reading in 2 lines
123 2187
1919 Multilingual (English, German, Slovak, French) P.O.W. Postcard, from Krasnaya Ryetschka, Siberia to Vienna, Austria; with Transit through Switzerland. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (34mm/57mm/43mm/14mm) reading
1919 Multilingual (English, German, Slovak, French) P.O.W. Postcard, from Krasnaya Ryetschka, Siberia to Vienna, Austria; with Transit through Switzerland. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (34mm/57mm/43mm/14mm) reading
123 2188
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover (with Letter enclosed) from Rasdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Siberia, to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: Blue rectangle (60 x 23 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover (with Letter enclosed) from Rasdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Siberia, to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: Blue rectangle (60 x 23 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2189
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed in Petrograd, from Razdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Primur (Siberia) to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangles (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed in Petrograd, from Razdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Primur (Siberia) to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangles (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2190
1918 Return Portions of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcards, from Chabarovsk, Siberia, Russia to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: Black rectangle (35 x 24 mm) reading in 3 lines
1918 Return Portions of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcards, from Chabarovsk, Siberia, Russia to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: Black rectangle (35 x 24 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2191
1917 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Stationary (10 Kop.) postmarked at Fedorovsk Siberia, with Petrograd Transit Cancel (on Reverse), to the Danish Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. VLADIVOSTOK
1917 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Stationary (10 Kop.) postmarked at Fedorovsk Siberia, with Petrograd Transit Cancel (on Reverse), to the Danish Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. VLADIVOSTOK
123 2192
1917 Commercial Use of Picture Postcard printed in France, with 4 Kop. Postage on Reverse, postmarked at Vladivostok to New Haven, Connecticut, United States. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: blue / blue-green rectangle (33 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Commercial Use of Picture Postcard printed in France, with 4 Kop. Postage on Reverse, postmarked at Vladivostok to New Haven, Connecticut, United States. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: blue / blue-green rectangle (33 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2193
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Spasskoe, Primur to Breslau, Germany. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangle (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Spasskoe, Primur to Breslau, Germany. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangle (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2194
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Khabarovsk, to Bregensernald, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangle (59 x 22mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Khabarovsk, to Bregensernald, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: violet rectangle (59 x 22mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2195
1916 Printed Envelope (with the French Word Agence misspelled as Ageuce) used as commercial Cover, postmarked Chita, to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. CHITA Censorship: violet 2 line circle (37 mm) reading, outside to centre
1916 Printed Envelope (with the French Word Agence misspelled as Ageuce) used as commercial Cover, postmarked Chita, to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. CHITA Censorship: violet 2 line circle (37 mm) reading, outside to centre
123 2196
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, with Khabarovsk, Siberia and Petrograd Transit Cancellations to Arosa, Switzerland. NOVO-ALEKSANDROV PIER Censorship: violet 3 line marking (43mm/54mm/48mm), reading
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, with Khabarovsk, Siberia and Petrograd Transit Cancellations to Arosa, Switzerland. NOVO-ALEKSANDROV PIER Censorship: violet 3 line marking (43mm/54mm/48mm), reading
123 2197
1915 Unilingual P.O.W. Postcard (French Only) from Nikolsk Ussuriysk, Siberia to  Berlin, Germany. VLADIVOSTOK
1915 Unilingual P.O.W. Postcard (French Only) from Nikolsk Ussuriysk, Siberia to Berlin, Germany. VLADIVOSTOK
123 2198
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, to Komarom, Hungary.  Censorship: red rectangle (36 x 26 mm) reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, to Komarom, Hungary. Censorship: red rectangle (36 x 26 mm) reading
123 2199
1915 Bilingual (Russian,French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Razdolnoe, Primur to Komarom, Hungary. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red /violet-red rectangle (26 x 20 mm) reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian,French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Razdolnoe, Primur to Komarom, Hungary. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red /violet-red rectangle (26 x 20 mm) reading
123 2200
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Moscow used as P.O.W. Card from Spasskoe, Vladivostok, Siberia to Prague, Cechy, Austria.  VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red / violet-red rectangle (26 x 20 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postcard printed in Moscow used as P.O.W. Card from Spasskoe, Vladivostok, Siberia to Prague, Cechy, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red / violet-red rectangle (26 x 20 mm) reading
123 2201
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Nikolsk Ussuriysk, Siberia to the Red Cross in Lemberg (Lwow), Galacia, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (25 x 21 mm) reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Nikolsk Ussuriysk, Siberia to the Red Cross in Lemberg (Lwow), Galacia, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (25 x 21 mm) reading
123 2202
1915 Commercial Letter from the Vladivostok Branch of the Russian-Asiatic Bank, postmarked at Vladivostok, with Petrograd Transit Cancel (on Reverse), to London, England. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: postage sleevage used as resealing label
1915 Commercial Letter from the Vladivostok Branch of the Russian-Asiatic Bank, postmarked at Vladivostok, with Petrograd Transit Cancel (on Reverse), to London, England. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: postage sleevage used as resealing label
123 2203
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover (with Letter enclosed) from Rasdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Siberia to Vienna, Austria.  VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (26 x 21 mm) reading
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Cover (with Letter enclosed) from Rasdolnoe bei Vladivostok, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangle (26 x 21 mm) reading
123 2204
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Razdolnoe, Primur (Siberia) to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangles (24 x 21 mm) reading
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Razdolnoe, Primur (Siberia) to Vienna, Austria. VLADIVOSTOK Censorship: red rectangles (24 x 21 mm) reading
$10 1 123
123 2205
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked Shkotovo, Primur toaA Prisoner of War at Balakhna, Nishni-Novgorod, with Arrival Cancel. SHKOTOVO Censorship: violet rectangle (40 x 24 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked Shkotovo, Primur toaA Prisoner of War at Balakhna, Nishni-Novgorod, with Arrival Cancel. SHKOTOVO Censorship: violet rectangle (40 x 24 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2206
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card from Krasnoyarsk, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card from Krasnoyarsk, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2207
1915 Russian P.O.W. Card printed in Moscow, from Dauria, Zabaikalska, with Vladivostok Transit Cancel, to Yokohama, Japan with Yokohama, Japan Receipt Cancellation (in English). IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading,outside to centre
1915 Russian P.O.W. Card printed in Moscow, from Dauria, Zabaikalska, with Vladivostok Transit Cancel, to Yokohama, Japan with Yokohama, Japan Receipt Cancellation (in English). IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading,outside to centre
123 2208
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Letter (with Enclosure) from Beresowka, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Unfranked P.O.W. Letter (with Enclosure) from Beresowka, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2209
1917 Bilingual (Russian, German) P.O.W. Postcard (printed on orange Paper) from Tschita, Transbaikal, to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, German) P.O.W. Postcard (printed on orange Paper) from Tschita, Transbaikal, to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2210
Postcard printed for Beresowka, Zabaikalska; from Beresowka to Bunzlau, Silesia, Austria. Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
Postcard printed for Beresowka, Zabaikalska; from Beresowka to Bunzlau, Silesia, Austria. Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2211
1917 Trilingual (Russian, French, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Tschita, Transbaikal, Siberia; from Tschita to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Trilingual (Russian, French, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Tschita, Transbaikal, Siberia; from Tschita to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2212
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Card from Beresowka, to Vienna, Austria. Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Card from Beresowka, to Vienna, Austria. Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2213
1917 Trilingual (Russian, German, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Beresowka, Zabaikalska and sent from Beresowka to Chrzanow, Galacia, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Trilingual (Russian, German, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Beresowka, Zabaikalska and sent from Beresowka to Chrzanow, Galacia, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35x15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2214
1917 Bilingual (Russian, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Zairkutny-Gorodok; from Zairkutny-Gorodok to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, German) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Zairkutny-Gorodok; from Zairkutny-Gorodok to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2215
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Zairkutny-Gorodok, Siberia to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Zairkutny-Gorodok, Siberia to Budapest, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2216
1917 Trilingual (Sweedish & French on Front, German on Reverse) private commercial P.O.W. Postcard from Beresowka, Siberia to Stockholm, Sweden.  Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Trilingual (Sweedish & French on Front, German on Reverse) private commercial P.O.W. Postcard from Beresowka, Siberia to Stockholm, Sweden. Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2217
1915 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard from Piesanka, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1915 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard from Piesanka, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2218
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia; from Krasnoyarsk to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed for Krasnoyarsk, Siberia; from Krasnoyarsk to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2219
1916 Unfranked commercial Covers from Achinsk, Siberia to Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Unfranked commercial Covers from Achinsk, Siberia to Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet triangle (35 x 15 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2220
1916 Unfranked commercial Covers from the City of Irkutsk to the Danish Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
1916 Unfranked commercial Covers from the City of Irkutsk to the Danish Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2221
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Irkutsk used as P.O.W. Card, from Nertschinsk, to Czernowitz, Bukowina, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Irkutsk used as P.O.W. Card, from Nertschinsk, to Czernowitz, Bukowina, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm), reading, outside to centre
123 2222
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Berezovka, to Jaroslau, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Berezovka, to Jaroslau, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
123 2223
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Hungarian and German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Tschita, to Pressburg, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Hungarian and German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Tschita, to Pressburg, Hungary. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
123 2224
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Hungarian and German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Tschita, to Berlin Germany. Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
1915 Trilingual (Russian on Front, Hungarian and German on Reverse) P.O.W. Postcard from Tschita, to Berlin Germany. Censorship: violet circle (34 mm),reading, outside to centre
123 2225
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Khabarovsk, to Vienna, Austria. KHABAROVSK Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (29 x 13 mm) reading
1915 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked Khabarovsk, to Vienna, Austria. KHABAROVSK Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (29 x 13 mm) reading
123 2226
1918 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard from Beresowka, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
1918 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcard from Beresowka, to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
123 2227
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Krasnoyarsk,  Siberia, to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
123 2228
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed for Use at The P.O.W. Camp at Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, from Krasnoyarsk to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcards printed for Use at The P.O.W. Camp at Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, from Krasnoyarsk to Vienna, Austria. IRKUTSK Censorship: violet 4 line marking (24mm/35mm/26mm/10mm) reading
123 2229
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria; Reply Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet /black 4 line marking (26mm/37mm/18m/48mm fourth line in script) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria; Reply Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet /black 4 line marking (26mm/37mm/18m/48mm fourth line in script) reading
123 2230
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Ufa, to the Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, postmarked at Ufa, to the Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark
123 2231
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Menselinsk, Ufa with Ufa Transit Cancel to Budapest, Hungary. UFA Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm), reading in 4 lines
1915 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Postcard, postmarked at Menselinsk, Ufa with Ufa Transit Cancel to Budapest, Hungary. UFA Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm), reading in 4 lines
123 2232
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Samara, from Ufa to Lemberg (Lwow), Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet 4 line marking (26/37/8/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Samara, from Ufa to Lemberg (Lwow), Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet 4 line marking (26/37/8/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
123 2233
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Saratov, used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Tsaritsyn, to Kharkov, Galacia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (43 x 28 mm) reading in 4 lines, violet straightline censor’s initials reading
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Saratov, used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Tsaritsyn, to Kharkov, Galacia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (43 x 28 mm) reading in 4 lines, violet straightline censor’s initials reading
123 2234
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard , postmarked at Tsaritsyn to Cech A.D. Hanna, Moravia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard , postmarked at Tsaritsyn to Cech A.D. Hanna, Moravia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2235
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Ivanovskoe, Tsaritsyn, with Tsaritsyn Transit Cancel to Pinczow, Poland; Redirected to Kielce, Poland and then to Lublin, Poland with Austrian Military Transit Cancel reading.
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Ivanovskoe, Tsaritsyn, with Tsaritsyn Transit Cancel to Pinczow, Poland; Redirected to Kielce, Poland and then to Lublin, Poland with Austrian Military Transit Cancel reading.
123 2236
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Tsaritsyn, with Railroad Transit Cancel, Tikhoretskaya - Tsaritsyn - 2, to Wisniowa, Galacia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) Postcard used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Tsaritsyn, with Railroad Transit Cancel, Tikhoretskaya - Tsaritsyn - 2, to Wisniowa, Galacia, Austria. TSARITSYN Censorship: violet rectangle (55 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2237
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Tsaritsyn, to Jicin, Bohemia, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines, Violet straightline censors initials N.V.B.
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Tsaritsyn, to Jicin, Bohemia, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines, Violet straightline censors initials N.V.B.
123 2238
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet / red 4 line marking (26/37/18/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
1916 Response Portion of Trilingual (Russian, French, German) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked at Ufa to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet / red 4 line marking (26/37/18/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
123 2239
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, postmarked at Ufa to Berlin, Germany.  Censorship: violet /red 4 line marking (26/37/18/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, postmarked at Ufa to Berlin, Germany. Censorship: violet /red 4 line marking (26/37/18/48 mm; fourth line in script) reading
123 2240
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French)  P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Asha-Balashoyakiy Zavod, Ufimur to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet / blue rectangle (53 x 21 mm) reading in 4 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked at Asha-Balashoyakiy Zavod, Ufimur to Skavina, Galacia, Austria. UFA Censorship: violet / blue rectangle (53 x 21 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2241
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Ufa, to Ulanow, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet / blue rectangle (53 x 21 mm) reading in 4 lines
1916 Private Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Ufa, to Ulanow, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: violet / blue rectangle (53 x 21 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2242
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Simbirsk, with Moscow Transit Cancel, to Salzburg, Austria. SIMBIRSK Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
1915 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Simbirsk, with Moscow Transit Cancel, to Salzburg, Austria. SIMBIRSK Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
123 2243
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Simbirsk, to Salzburg, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, postmarked at Simbirsk, to Salzburg, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
123 2244
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Letter from Sizran, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. SIZRAN Censorship: red 2 line rectangle (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Unfranked P.O.W. Letter from Sizran, Siberia to Vienna, Austria. SIZRAN Censorship: red 2 line rectangle (59 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
$10 1 123
123 2245
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Simbirsk to Salzburg, Austria. SIMBIRSK Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Simbirsk to Salzburg, Austria. SIMBIRSK Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 13 mm) with broken frame line, reading in 3 lines
123 2246
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Simbirsk to Salzburg, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 20 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Russian Postcard used as P.O.W. Card, from Simbirsk to Salzburg, Austria. Censorship: violet rectangle (53 x 20 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2247
1915 Commercial Use of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) postmarked Sizran, to a Russian P.O.W. at Patulusgrube, Germany. SIZRAN Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1915 Commercial Use of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) postmarked Sizran, to a Russian P.O.W. at Patulusgrube, Germany. SIZRAN Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2248
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Sizran to Palanjek, Croatia. SIZRAN Censorship: red-violet rectangle (55 x 21 mm) reading in 3lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard from Sizran to Palanjek, Croatia. SIZRAN Censorship: red-violet rectangle (55 x 21 mm) reading in 3lines
123 2249
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked Papuz, Simbirsk, with Kachim, Penza, Transit Cancel to Wojnicz, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: dark blue rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Return Portion of Trilingual (Russian, German, French) Red Cross P.O.W. Reply Postcard postmarked Papuz, Simbirsk, with Kachim, Penza, Transit Cancel to Wojnicz, Galacia, Austria. Censorship: dark blue rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2250
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Samara used as P.O.W. Card, from Sizran, Simbirsk to Rakowitz, Bohemia, Austria. SIZRAN Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Samara used as P.O.W. Card, from Sizran, Simbirsk to Rakowitz, Bohemia, Austria. SIZRAN Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2251
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Kazan, used as P.O.W. Card, from Sizranto Zagreb,  Croatia, Austria. Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Kazan, used as P.O.W. Card, from Sizranto Zagreb, Croatia, Austria. Censorship: green rectangle (55 x 22 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2252
1916 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Chelyabinsk, Ufa with Railroad Transit Cancel Reading Chelyabinsk-Samara-3, to Mobile Reserve Hospital 2/4, Austria; Redirected to Hospital in Chrynow, Galacia, Austria. UFA
1916 Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) used as P.O.W. Card postmarked at Chelyabinsk, Ufa with Railroad Transit Cancel Reading Chelyabinsk-Samara-3, to Mobile Reserve Hospital 2/4, Austria; Redirected to Hospital in Chrynow, Galacia, Austria. UFA
123 2253
1915 Commercial Use of private Postcard (with Letterhead), postmarked at Warsaw, Poland to Ufa, with Ufa Receipt Cancel. Censorship: red 3 line marking (81/20/61 mm) reading
1915 Commercial Use of private Postcard (with Letterhead), postmarked at Warsaw, Poland to Ufa, with Ufa Receipt Cancel. Censorship: red 3 line marking (81/20/61 mm) reading
123 2254
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Perm, used as P.O.W. Card, from Yaranosk, Viatka to Budapest, Hungary. VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (64 x 26 mm) reading in 4 lines
1916 Russian Postcard printed in Perm, used as P.O.W. Card, from Yaranosk, Viatka to Budapest, Hungary. VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (64 x 26 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2255
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Urinule, with Viatka Transit Cancel, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. VIATKA Censorship: green rectangle (52 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Petrograd, from Urinule, with Viatka Transit Cancel, to Krakau, Galacia, Austria. VIATKA Censorship: green rectangle (52 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2256
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Kotelnisch, with Viatka Transit Cancel to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: red-violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (Russian, French) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Moscow, from Kotelnisch, with Viatka Transit Cancel to Budapest, Hungary. Censorship: red-violet rectangle (53 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2257
1917 Commercial Cover bearing 20 Kop. Postage, postmarked Slobodskoi, with Viatka Transit Cancel, to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (52 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Commercial Cover bearing 20 Kop. Postage, postmarked Slobodskoi, with Viatka Transit Cancel, to the Danish Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (52 x 19 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2258
1915 Hungarian Field Post Card printed in Budapest used as P.O.W. Card, from Trozovch Romskoi to Ujpest, Hungary.  VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (47 x 26 mm) reading in 4 lines
1915 Hungarian Field Post Card printed in Budapest used as P.O.W. Card, from Trozovch Romskoi to Ujpest, Hungary. VIATKA Censorship: violet rectangle (47 x 26 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2259
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) with additional 1 Kop. applied, postmarked by Viatka Machine Cancel to Matyasfold, Hungary. Censorship: red rectangle (47 x 18 mm) reading in 4 lines
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) with additional 1 Kop. applied, postmarked by Viatka Machine Cancel to Matyasfold, Hungary. Censorship: red rectangle (47 x 18 mm) reading in 4 lines
123 2260
1915 Commercial Cover postmarked Astrakhan, to Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark.  ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (54 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
1915 Commercial Cover postmarked Astrakhan, to Red Cross in Copenhagen, Denmark. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (54 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2261
1916 Response Portions of Bilingual (German, Russian) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcards postmarked Astrakhan to Ticin, Bohemia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (55 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Response Portions of Bilingual (German, Russian) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcards postmarked Astrakhan to Ticin, Bohemia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (55 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2262
1916 Response Portions of Bilingual (German, Russian) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcards postmarked Astrakhan to Ticin, Bohemia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red 3 line oval(51 x 34 mm) reading outside to centre
1916 Response Portions of Bilingual (German, Russian) Red Cross P.O.W. Postcards postmarked Astrakhan to Ticin, Bohemia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red 3 line oval(51 x 34 mm) reading outside to centre
123 2263
1917 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Astrakhan to Lwow, Galacia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
1917 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard postmarked Astrakhan to Lwow, Galacia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: violet rectangle (54 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2264
1916 Russian Postcard гsed фs P.O.W. Card аrom Enotoevsk еo Skawina, Galacia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (54 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Russian Postcard гsed фs P.O.W. Card аrom Enotoevsk еo Skawina, Galacia, Austria. ASTRAKHAN Censorship: red rectangle (54 x 17 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2265
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Perm, with Railway Postmark, Chelyabinsk *139 * Perm, with Censorship Mark on Reverse of Card, to Krakow, Galacia, Austria. CHELYABINSK Censorship: red rectangle (58 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Bilingual (French, Russian) P.O.W. Postcard printed in Perm, with Railway Postmark, Chelyabinsk *139 * Perm, with Censorship Mark on Reverse of Card, to Krakow, Galacia, Austria. CHELYABINSK Censorship: red rectangle (58 x 18 mm) reading in 3 lines
$10 1 123
123 2266
1915 Commercial Use of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) franked with additional 1 Kop. Postage, postmarked Velikopetrovskaya, Orenburg to Baden, Switzerland. ZLATOUST Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (74 x 29 mm) reading in 4 lines
1915 Commercial Use of Russian Postal Card (3 Kop.) franked with additional 1 Kop. Postage, postmarked Velikopetrovskaya, Orenburg to Baden, Switzerland. ZLATOUST Censorship: violet 2 line rectangle (74 x 29 mm) reading in 4 lines
$10 1 123
123 2267
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Cards (3 Kop.) with additional Franking of 1 Kop., postmarked Pretoriya, Orenburg, to Basel, Switzerland. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Cards (3 Kop.) with additional Franking of 1 Kop., postmarked Pretoriya, Orenburg, to Basel, Switzerland. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2268
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Cards (3 Kop.) with additional Franking of 1 Kop., postmarked Pretoriya, Orenburg, to Basel, Switzerland. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Usage of Russian Postal Cards (3 Kop.) with additional Franking of 1 Kop., postmarked Pretoriya, Orenburg, to Basel, Switzerland. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2269
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: blue 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: blue 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2270
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: blue 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: blue 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
123 2271
1916 Commercial Cover / Postal Stationary postmarked at Preobrazhensky Zavod (Mill), to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Cover / Postal Stationary postmarked at Preobrazhensky Zavod (Mill), to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
$10 1 123
123 2272
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark.  ORENBURG Censorship: blue-green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
1916 Commercial Covers postmarked Devka, Orenburg to the Red Cross Agency in Copenhagen, Denmark. ORENBURG Censorship: blue-green 2 line rectangle (56 x 21 mm) reading in 3 lines
$10 1 123
123 2273